Patient Responsibilties
Your Responsibilities
As your surgeon, I will make every attempt to make your experience and outcome beyond excellent. I will provide you with a successful operation and all of the tools and information you will require to leave confident in your plan to healing in a timely and healthy manner. We are a team and are in this together. However, that said, I play but only a small part in your overall success. As I cannot be with you 24 hours a day, you must rely largely upon yourself and family to ensure that your expectations are met.
— Dr. Wong
You must:
- Have a positive attitude and believe that you will get better!
- Make it to all of your appointments on time. This includes office visits with me, any outside test or studies ordered, pre-operative appointments, surgery, and your hand therapy visits.
- Know that ANY nicotine use in the form of cigarettes, cigars, chew, patches, gum, and in some cases even second hand smoke may adversely affect your recovery. Outcomes can range from delayed wound healing, to increased risk of infection, to a complete failure of the operation.
- Fill your prescriptions and take the medications as directed. After the first 3 days (72 hours after surgery) you MUST stop taking narcotic pain medication when you no longer have pain, even if you have pills left over. You MUST finish your entire prescription of antibiotics if one has been prescribed for you.
- Follow ALL directions regarding wound care. These directions are for your safety and are not merely suggestions.
- Have a primary care physician. This is important for not only your overall health, but in the event your pain is uncontrolled after 90 days, you will be referred back to them for continued pain medication refills or for referral to a pain medicine specialist.
- Call Dr.Wong immediately if you experience any sign, symptom, or perceived complication that is worrisome to you. 661-664-2200
- If you experience trouble with your Cast or Splint, please call the office immediately, letting them know that you need to be evaluated. Tell the person answering the phone “I am a patient of Dr.Wong and I have a cast / splint that needs to be evaluated as soon as possible, so please contact him or one of his partners”. Be prepared to answer the phone when we call you back. You may be instructed to proceed to the office or Emergency Room (if after hours) for evaluation.
- If you believe you are experiencing a true EMERGENCY….CALL 911 or go to the closest Emergency Room. DO NOT waste time calling Dr.Wong as the hospital will contact him or one of his covering partners after you have been cared for.